Rick Hurst Web Developer in Bristol, UK


Month: October 2004

junkfood junkie

despite my best attempt it turns out that I am still unable to resist the chemical allure of salt and vinegar flavour “discos”. I was doing pretty well but made the mistake of turning up for the train early last night at paddington and had time to kill and everywhere I looked I was being enticed by the blue shiny foil.

eyes glazing over yet?

I have a whole load of things to tell the world in general about discoveries and experiments with my new toy (Treo 600 PDA/phone). here is not the place for it though, i’ll stick them all on the the lab page when i’ve written them tomorrow on the train. on my new PDA phone. did I mention my new gadget yet?

ok think i’m getting the hang of this

i’ve had this thing for about 12 hours now and i’m finding my way around. email works a treat, got an ssh client working and i’m starting to speed up on this keyboard. the first blog attempt got truncated for some reason but managed to resend it. got an mp3 player working and looking at some video players…