Rick Hurst Web Developer in Bristol, UK


you can tell when skating is in your blood when…

…you are sitting in Teohs, a fantastic pan asian restaurant based in an old Tobacco factory known fittingly as "The Tobacco Factory" on north street in an area of bristol known as southville / bedminster / ashton gate, depending on who you talk to (oh yeah the phone number is 0117 9021122 if you have just googled your way in) when,… what was I on about? Yep you’re in the restaurant having fantastic food and a fantastic night, but you keep finding your attention drifting towards the door where there is a perfect steel ledge for grinding, tailslides etc and there are benches scattered around the place..

Plus the floor surface of old tiles I know to be particularly skateworthy as I used to work a couple of floors up, which is about as close as I will (and should) get to skating it, being an eating establishment..