Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


apache web server installed

I got Apache running this morning before work, I had already installed but hadn’t figured out how to start it. In the end I found the command I needed in Running Linux (Matt Welsh, Matthias Kalle Dalheimer, Lar Kaufman -O’Reilly). I opened a shell with root permissions and typed the command:-

(location of httpd) -f (location of httpd.conf)
obviously replacing the (location of..) bracketted bits with the correct file paths

I haven’t changed any of the configuration settings yet – i’m using the default settings provided in the suse distribution, which (unlike windows) means most features are disabled by default, so you can enable them as required when you understand what they do, rather than scramble frantically around trying to lock potentially vulnerable things off which you don’t want or don’t need.

Next Project: Tomcat (for running JSP?)