Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


starskiweb working on basic HTML device

Because all the formatting and styling for this site is done with CSS, this site should degrade to work on any device which supports HTML.

Below, starskiweb is being displayed on MS mobile explorer on a Sony j5e phone.

starskiweb is being displayed on MS mobile explorer on a Sony j5e phone

On the styled version (i.e. when displayed in a web browser which supports CSS), the site menu, login form and logos are displayed in a column at the right hand side. Without the styling these appear at the bottom of the text. I chose to do it this way because some mobile devices are very slow and as the menu grows, if it appeared at the top for vanilla content it would be a pain to scroll through it to get to the first blog post.

At some point I will create a seperate unstyled menu page which can be bookmarked for mobile devices and used tomove between the blogs.