Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


World Plone Day – Bristol, UK

Today is World Plone Day.

From the website:

“The World Plone Day (WPD) is a worldwide event. Our goal is to promote and educate the worldwide public about of the benefits of using Plone in education, government, ngos, and in business.”

We held an event in Bristol, which I streamed and recorded via ustream – available here. I did a lightning talk on how to use plone out-of-the-box as a small company intranet and searchable knowledge base, other talks included “big plone”, contributing code back to the community and KSS.

The video was streamed straight from the webcam and built in mic on my macbook, so the sound quality isn’t great, especially when the fan kicked in, but it was a bit of a last minute effort. Next time it will be camera, mic and tripod!