Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


Web Developers Conference 2008

Yesterday was the second Web Developers Conference at the Watershed, Bristol. The attendees are 50% UWE students and 50% industry professionals – some local and some from further afield. The idea is that the students – many of whom are looking for placements, or jobs to start when their couses finish – get some exposure to the industry. There were several excellent talks during the day and two panels – the second of which I was lucky enough to be participate in. A good day – all the speakers and panelists I spoke to enjoyed it, and hopefully the students got something out of it too – roll on next year!

Update: I mistakenly implied that this was a UWE event. In fact although the UWE help with this event it was thought of and run by organiser Alex Older – many thanks for all your hard work Alex!