Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


Working from the VW dealership

One of the things I need to get sorted on the beetle before the road trip is an intermittent problem where the immobilizer won’t allow me to start the car. It lulls you into a false sense of security by starting the engine, then immediately cutting out, leaving you with a flashing bug/key icon on the dash. I’m getting the keys recoded (so that immobilizer recognises them), which should leave me with two working keys, and at the very least, help me rule out “faulty key” as a possible cause if it happens again.

I’m working this morning in the (very nice) coffee area in the local VW dealership. One of the main problems in being here is all the nice shiny vehicles and brochures hanging around. I have to avoid being seduced into leaving with a brand new vehicle and several years worth of debt..