Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


eatStatic demo site online

eatstatic demo site screengrab

Shhh.. don’t tell anyone but i’ve quietly launched the eatStatic demo site, which now runs from the master branch of the github repo. This is still the PHP version, slightly tidied up, and now using twitter bootstrap for the default skin. I had previously said that I wouldn’t be maintaining the PHP version in favour of building a python/ django version, but as i’ve thought of a new personal project to build with django (which for once – STOP PRESS – is not a blog engine or CMS), I thought it would be good to get the PHP version tidied up into a usable state if anyone else wants to try it out. Also, as I happily run this blog from it, and am likely to do for years to come, it would be nice to get all the features built in that i’d like to use, and bugs ironed out.