Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


Category: dconstruct07

d.Construct 2007

dConstruct view from the back

The d.Construct conference was excellent, this is the first one i’ve been to, but by all accounts it has raised the bar a bit since the first one two(?) years ago. The theme was definitely that of User Experience, and the talks were mainly conceptual rather than technical – I guess this would have appealed to some more than others, but coming from the point of view of someone who just started a company, with imminent plans for creating a (web) product, this was right up my alley. I haven’t got time to do a proper write-up, because I have a back-log of work and some deadlines to meet, and I resisted the temptation to open my laptop and hammer away at the keyboard in the Auditorium (unlike some people – give it a break guys!). Well done to the speakers, the clearleft crew and all others involved in organising it.