Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


A few gotchas when your Drupal site is being deployed behind caching servers and proxy_pass

I recently launched a Drupal based site that forms part of the website for a global company (being a freelancer working through a design agency with an NDA, I can’t talk about it any more than that, or stick it on my portfolio unfortunately!). I though i’d make a few notes about some of the issues I had to overcome.

The site itself is hosted on a dedicated VPS, but served to the world through akamai caching servers, which means that everything is cached by default. Therefore in this set-up, the CMS is only available at a different URL, where caching is bypassed. Gotcha no.1 is that cookies set and read via PHP do not work in this scenario*. Fortunately Javascript cookies can still be used.

In addition to the caching, the site is served up as part of a much bigger site /deep/down/in/the/url/structure, so proxy_pass is used (before caching) to rewrite the paths. Gotcha no.2 is that base_path() in drupal picks up the path of the origin server, so I had to add a condition like this in my settings.php (excuse wrapping, really must sort this site out for code samples):-

$base_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'].'/path/to/my/proxied/site';

The clue to gotcha number 3 is in that last example. $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] reports the host of the origin server, rather than the public host, so if it is used anywhere in your code, it may cause issues. I ended up adding a function getHost() that I use to return the appropriate host, depending on where the site is being viewed (once again excuse formatting):-

function getHost(){
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
return $host;

Gotcha No.4 was image paths in optimised css – both the Drupal-provided CSS caching and some external stuff I had using minify – these both rewrote the image paths to use those from the origin server. This meant that CSS applied images worked in the non-cached editing environment but not on live. I haven’t come up with a solution for that one yet, other then to leave some of the stylesheets non-minified.

* maybe there is a solution to this, but assume in this case there is little or no scope to request server config changes.