Rick Hurst Web Developer in Bristol, UK


Month: March 2003

recent updates now available from the menu

Ever since I reinvented this site as a multi-blog blog I have had trouble deciding which blog particular posts should be posted to and I sometimes post to the wrong one accidentally and don’t like to move them afterwards. The idea of having multiple blogs was to try to keep separate the different elements of what I might be rambling about that day i.e. I wanted to keep this blog along creative lines, free of some of the more marginal technical stuff you might find in the lab and at the other end of the spectrum I didn’t want to clog it up with every single photograph I take, so I created the photography blog.

To tie it all together you will now find the x (limited to 5 at time of posting) most recent posts from any of the blogs on this site under the “recent updates” menu. I will no doubt mess around with the format of this as time goes on, and would also like to make this available as a rss feed eventually.

alternative uses for a digital camera part 1

I can’t help feeling that maybe there are better uses for several hundred quids worth of digital camera, but I have found it invaluable when doing DIY on the house. I’m good at taking things apart, convinced that I can remember how to reassemble them later. At the weekend I took pictures of all the wiring I was about to undo, feed through holes in the ceiling and put back together and it saved me from hours of my usual problems.

Of course in the old days they used paper and pencil…

bedroom light wiring before I pulled it all apart

eight legged groove machine

This is one amazing little creature I caught trying to sneak past me the other day. Actually I didn’t catch it, just zoomed in from a safe distance and took this picture then let it carry on it’s daily business of building huge webs. I know there is a bit of an insect theme going on at the moment and I know these pictures would probably be better in the digital photography blog but I keep posting to the wrong one…..


you can’t force funk music..

…it has to come freely and so it was about time that we knocked my band braxtonhicks on the head.

The band had been going for about 4 years with a varying line-up, and it was fun while it lasted, but the format was getting tired and most of us felt that it was never going to go beyond what it was, which was essentially a covers band. With the guitarist leaving to focus on something more original and creative and a couple of other key members leaving this summer anyway to go onto better things we decided that it was pointless flogging a dead horse and to call it a day.

Fear not, because the creative energy behind the band will flow into other places and whenever it emerges you will hear about it here.

installed amphetadesk

for those of you who don’t know, amphetadesk is a program which allows you to subscribe to the Rich Site Summary (RSS) “feed” or “channel” of a website (if they have one, which they all should!), like the one on this site. It runs on your local machine as a server, periodically downloads local copies of the feeds you specify and generates an HTML web page for you to view the feed locally, or if it’s running on a network or internet node, remotely.

I noticed that my RSS feed isn’t 100% compatible with amphetadesk (and probably other readers) as my links show up as tags because they are encoded, so apologies to anyone seeing them like this via an RSS reader – I didn’t know until just now!