Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK


Test post from droptext

Just experimenting to see if it is possible to create a blog post on my new eatStatic based blog using droptext on my iphone.

Under the current set-up, if I wanted to use the “drafts” folder, I’d then need to log into dropbox.com to move the file to the main folder, as there is no way of moving files in droptext (as far as I can see)

Inserting an image would also be tedious – I can upload a photo using the dropbox app, but I can’t rename it something suitable, without going to dropbox.com, and then writing HTML on an iPhone is never much fun

I think if I want to consider mobile blogging, I’ll need to build something more convenient, such as an email to blog post script, similar to Posterous and wordpress plugins I’ve seen.