Rick Hurst Full-Stack Developer in Bristol, UK



Plone conference 2006

plone conference 2006 logo

At the end of October, myself and two other Netsight Plonistas will be off to Plone Conference 2006 in Seattle [Broken Link Removed]. Looking forward to meeting up with some plone gurus over a beer or several.

archived comments

Bah. I’ll be in London at the GNU/Linux expo.mattl 2006-09-22 10:17:02

JSON – JavaScript Object Notation

Another abbreviation(?)/buzzword that i’ve been hearing for months but I have only just understood what it is. From All in the Head (Drew Mclellan’s blog):-

if you’re not familiar, JavaScript Object Notation is a method of describing data structures such as arrays and objects and their contents in plain text. On receiving a chunk of JSON you can eval() it to recreate the data structure within your script

Read more about JSON here

Netsight Plone demo as first Bristol Skillswap

Rick Hurst Plone demo bristol

many moons ago, back in february myself and Matt Hamilton of Netsight did a plone demo at the watershed media centre in Bristol. This was the first in a series of “SkillSwaps” as part of the Bristol branch of SkillSwap based in Brighton. I’ve only just got round to blogging about it now due to my blogging hiatus!

The video feed is online here (note that this link skips forward a few chapters to where I actually start talking – before that is several minutes of people arriving and introductions etc).

Plone snow sprint 2006

plone snow sprint 2006 official hat

I’m a couple of days into the Plone snow sprint 2006. Before we arrived at the sprint location, the netsight contingent took a couple of days snowboarding. After half a day of falling on my backside, I just about have basic control of the board now, at least I can carve down the slope quite comfortably if the run is wide enough – there were a few hairy moments on a narrow forest road where I couldn’t quite make the turns quick enough and wiped out at least one skier (luckily I don’t speak enough German to understand what they were shouting at me!). I’d definitely like to snowboard again, though it is an expensive hobby.

We then attended the opening party for the newly formed lovely systems in Dornbirn. Free bar, Live band, games involving hammers, ’nuff said.

I’ll be working on a few plone multimedia projects during the sprint. Myself and Tom Lazaar [Broken link removed] will be trying to sort out some kind of solution for blogging in plone. Currently we are examining the available options to see whether we are better off cherrypicking the best features from each and putting the together into something new, to “finish” one the existing ones off, or whether to work on a set of adapters (xml-rpc, trackback) and products to enable plone itself to be used as a blog application (using, say, news items instead of blog entries, and having a customisation policy to set a plone instance up as a blog).

I will also hopefully be working (or at least shadowing someone else working on) a flash media player (a bit like google video thing), including server-side video transcoding. This should be useful for the online skate zine i’m working on!

Hopefully I can also finish off what I started for ATAudio, tidying up the templates ready for a release, using so called “five views”.

windows xp display upside down

If you are reading this upside down then chances are you are looking for information on how to get your display to appear the right way up. I had this problem the other day when one of my cats was wandering around on my laptop keyboard, and suddenly the display was upside down.

This won’t work for all displays as it is driver dependent, but CTRL – ALT and either the up or down arrows flips the display over on mine.

archived comments

Thanks for this, this simple advice has just saved the life of a colleague who was at the point of despair!

Linda 2006-11-17 16:32:42

Great advice so thanks a lot. Do you know how difficult it is trying to access the web upside down? Very. Saved my life.

paul 2006-12-17 22:11:04

Thank you sooooo much!!!

christine camilleri 2007-03-02 20:34:10

I wasn’t looking at the display while typing, so I had absolutely no idea how/when it flipped… yours was the first google hit when I searched for the problem. Thanks for saving me a bunch of time.

Dan 2007-03-09 03:26:23

Fantastic! I was about to pull my hair out (or that of my 6 year old daughter who caused the problem!) but this solved it immediately.

Neil 2007-03-15 16:26:10

When I saw my 17months old baby in front of my notebook with the display upside down, I thought my life was over! Your simple advice saved me. Thank you soooooo.. much!!!

Abigail 2008-03-30 07:43:41

Cool stuff!
Do you know if there’s also a way to flip the display upside down in OSX 10.5 on a Macbook Pro?

Flipmo 2009-08-22 12:44:42

The Behaviour Layer

Article over at Digital Web Magazine discussing the "Behaviour Layer" of a website.

In summary, a typical web page has three layers: Content, Presentation and Behaviour. In this context, XHTML is the content Layer, CSS is the presentation layer and Javascript is the behaviour layer. The article argues that it is important that the site functions with various combinations of these e.g (content + presentation + behaviour), (content + presentation) or (content + behaviour). Essential behaviour such as form validation that has been added client-side using Javascript should also be replicated server-side ("belt and braces")..

bloglines news aggregator

Recently i’ve been using Bloglines [link removed] news aggregator to subscribe to all the RSS/RDF enabled websites which I visit regularly. This has completely changed my browsing habits. Bloglines works in much the same way as an email inbox – you can see which sites have been updated from a list in the left pane.

So now rather than trawling through bookmarks and tabs only to find that a site hasn’t been updated since I last looked, I only visit sites that have new content.

Depending on how the RSS has been set-up you either get a list of new headlines, a list of new headlines and summaries or in some cases the whole article. Whichever way, clicking the title will take you straight to the article on the actual site.

bloglines screengrab