My code editor of choice, Sublime text 2, crashes when you try to do a search and replace on a large file. This makes it difficult to do a search and replace on a large sql file, as I sometimes need to do when moving a wordpress site from one domain to another
The command-line tool sed can be used instead like this:-
sed -i '.backup' 's/olddomain/newdomain/g' wordpress-backup.sql
This makes a backup of the original file, then updates the original

A couple of years ago I created a website for Kudos Business technologies. The site has been fairly dormant for a few years, but as I am now “involved” with Kudos (more on that at a later date), recently I decided to redesign it and rebuild with wordpress 3, as the bespoke CMS I put in place before using using cake PHP wasn’t nearly as user friendly as the tried and tested wordpress. I’m really pleased with the result, both from a technical and aesthetic point of view.
I’m looking forward to expanding this site – the products database on the Kudos site is now quite out of date, and there is a much larger range of (mostly LED lighting) products over at the Kudos retail site. The Lightplanet store is hosted on a 3rd Party system which doesn’t have a decent product export api, so I’ve actually written a screen scraper to extract data from the lightplanet site to use in our own database. This will allow us to collate more technical data for the products, which can be used on the kudos site. Phase II is to create a comprehensive Products information site from this data, including an API to allow us to integrate with 3rd parties.
[update 2014 – links removed as these sites no longer exist]

Earlier on this year I was fortunate enough to be asked to help the Aardman Digital team out on the companion website for the Tate Movie Project . This was one of the most fun and technically challenging website builds i’ve worked on. Working as part of the team, along with several other Bristol freelancers, I helped integrate the cakePHP site with wordpress and vanilla Forums. This was also one of the largest site builds i’ve worked on – multiple flash developers, PHP developers, designers, animators, front end developers and producers, all coordinated by subversion, unfuddle and the biggest wall of printed out screen grabs i’ve ever seen!
I was really chuffed to be asked to help the aardman online team out with the build of the new site. I took the supplied photoshop designs and created HTML/CSS templates that were then handed over to be integrated into the CMS. I’m currently doing a lot of freelance work for digital agencies and I haven’t been able to talk about the websites i’ve been working on, so it’s great to be able to shout about this one!